Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Have you ever wanted to display code or script in your blog? Here's how to using PasteBin. Guests are able to download your code also which is useful if it's  script or something like that.

Go to Pastebin.com.

Select "create new paste".

Paste or type in your code.

Give it a title, make sure it's public, and choose your syntax. Optional: Set an expiration date.

Click "submit".

Click "embed".

Copy the Javascript embed code. Example:
<script src="http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=kP7aCCS3"></script>

Go to your post where you want to embed the code, click HTML, and paste the embed code.

Go back to compose mode and there should be a space where the code is located. You will not be able to see the code while you are composing the post, so click preview if you would like to see how the code is displayed.

Publish your post and the code will be displayed. Here's an example:

That's it. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

As Bloggers, it's important to protect all our work. While having a copyright notice won't automatically prevent content theft, it may thwart off potential thieves and make them think twice before stealing. Here is a simple copyright code tutorial: Go to wherever you would like the copyright to display in your template (I recommend your blog footer), and insert the following code:

Thanks to HB for the middle image.

Have you noticed that Blogger images display a dark shadow/border around them when posted? Here's how to remove that.

In the Blogger dashboard, Go to Design>>Template Designer>>Advanced>>Add CSS and then paste in the following code:

Friday, July 10, 2015

Have you ever hovered over an image on a website, and found that a Pintrest logo/image popped up? Well, this tutorial will show you how to implement that same thing on your blog. Pinterest is an up and coming social sharing site that is already gaining huge popularity over the web, so it's smart to start using it now to help gain new readers and views on your posts. At the end, I have included free buttons that you may use if you do not want to make or find your own.

After changing the highlighted URL   to your own URL, insert the below script just above the </body> tags in your template. You do this by going to template>>edit HTML. Then save the template. You can change the position of where the button shows up by editing the "center" tag with the following positions:

  • topleft
  • topright
  • bottomleft
  • bottomright


var custom_pinit_button = "http://i.imgur.com/e4dnY6O.png";
var pinit_button_position = "center";
var pinit_button_before = "";
var pinit_button_after = "";
<script src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script id='pinit-img-button' src='http://helplogger.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/pinterest-button1.js' type='text/javascript'>
// Visit helplogger.blogspot.com for more widgets and tricks.
Here's what the code looks like in your template:

Thanks to http://www.helplogger.blogspot.com for coding the script.


 Here are some free Pin buttons you can use to get started:

To download the buttons: Right click them>> click "save as",>>save them to your computer>> and then upload them to a photo sharing service such as Imgur. Note: These are larger than they actually are for display purposes, they are a normal size when downloaded. 
This tutorial will show you how to upload a new theme to your Blogger blog. Uploading themes is a great way to customise your blog and get a personalised feel. It's pretty easy, but make sure you always back up your previous template in case any errors occur or the installation goes awry.

First, find and download a template that is compatible for your blog. It needs to end in either .xml or .html. Then, download a backup of your current template. Click "choose file" and find where your template is located. The template name will be displayed next to the "choose file" button. Finally, click "upload". You'll see a preview of the template on your dashboard: That's it! The template will be uploaded and you can head over to your blog to see the new theme. If it's not showing up- click ctrl+F5 a few times or clear your cache. If you have any questions, comment below. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

LilyPad is my first template release for Blogger. It is a light and simple template with cool, warm colors. It would be great for a personal or "girly" blog. It includes an about me space, so you will need to find a small square picture of yourself to put in that space. There is also a navigation bar to help your readers find different pages or important links. If you do not like the dashed outline of the gadgets, you can change those by using the following codes: dotted, inset,outset, and lined. Only do this is you are experienced with HTML and code.  This template can be further customised by going to the template>>customise area of your Blogger dashboard.

Preview of the LilyPad template:

Common FAQ's:

Somethings not working, I need help.
Post a comment below or contact me via the contact page.

How do I change the colors?
Go to template>>customise and then proceed to background colors and whatever else you would like to change.

To download this template, just click the download button below and then upload it to your blog using the instructions I posted here.

Have you ever wanted to add a linked image to a blog post, page, or your sidebar? Here is a tutorial that show you how to do just that. It's pretty simple and easy. This also works well if you want to customize your header menu with images. To use any of the codes, just copy and paste them into an HTML editor or blog post. You can also use the source code of this page using inspect element, if you know how to do that.

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